Week 1
Module C1 (Introduction)
- What is Python?
- Installation
- Configuration
- History of Python
- Python 2 vs Python 3
Module C2 (IDLE)
- Introduction to IDLE
- Python Environment
- Quick note
- Using the Python Shell
- Writing and Executing Python Scripts
Module C3 (Variables)
- Variables in Python
- Creating Variables
- Numbers Variable
- String Variables
- Float Variables
- Data Manipulation
Module C4 (Decision)
- IIf and Else Condition
- Boolean Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
Module C5 (Loop)
- While Loop
- For Loop
- Mini Project - 1
Week 2
Module C5 (Data Structures)
- Lists in Python
- Project 2
- Add items to the list
- Dictionaries Variable
- Tuple Types
- Oops concept in Python
- Converting Data Types
- List and Dictionary Comprehensions
Module C6 (Modules)
- Imported Modules
- Standard Module
- Python Module
- Third Party Module
- Using ‘Pip’ to install modules
- Creating and Using Custom Modules
Module C7 (Class)
- Creating Class
- New style class
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Exception classes
- Encapsulation and Abstraction
- Class and Static Methods
Module C7 (Computing in Python)
- Numeric computing in Python
- Introduction to NumPy
- Array Operations
- Vectorized Computations
- Basic Plotting with Matplotlib
Week 3
Module C8 (Exception Handling)
- Exception Handling
- Runtime Errors
- Fix difficult Errors
- Writing Data in Text files
- Custom Exceptions
- Using ‘finally’ for clean up
- Logging in Python
- Debugging with ‘pdb’
- Best Practices for Error Handling
Module C9 (Collection
- ChainMap
- Counter
- namedtuple()
- deque
- OrderedDirect
- defaultdict
- UserDict & UserList
- UserString
- Working with Itertools
- Mapping and Filtering Collections
- Advanced Sorting Techniques
- Handling Large Data Sets with Generators
Module C10 (Date & Time)
- Execution Time
- Delay
- Methods on Date and time
- Working with datetime Module
- Formatting Dates and Times
- Time zones and ‘pytz’
Week 4
Module C11 (Working with Excel, Text & Json files)
- Pandas
- Json Files
- Indexing & Slicing
- Reading and Writing CSV Files
- DataFrame Manipulations
- Basic Data Analysis with Pandas
- Environment Variables
- Resources (Pool and Management)
- Work Queue create
- Environment Lock
Module C12 (Website with Python)
- First Website
- HTML Templates
- IPython Virtual Environment
- Introduction to Flask
- Routing in Flask
- Rendering Templates with Flask
- Building REST APIs with Flask
Module C13 (Website with Python)
- Introduction to Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup
- Automating Tasks with Silenium
- Introduction to Data Visualization with Seaborn
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
- Deploying Python Applications
Week 5 (Project Work)
2 Projects will be completed in week 5, we will also train students for interviews and coach them on 100+ questions and answers. We also help them in preparing for Certification.